A machine gunner from Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment looks through his optic towards his sector of fire during a simulated airfield seizure as part of an Air Assault Operation in Lopburi, Kingdom of Thailand, March 6, 2023, during exercise Cobra Gold 2023. Cobra Gold, now in its 42nd year, is a Thai-U.S. co-sponsored training event that builds on the long-standing friendship between the two allied nations and brings together a robust multinational force to promote regional pe
美國陸軍新推出的召募廣告,這一次的口號是「盡你所能」(Be All You Can Be),除了由主演《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》、《金牌拳手3》的喬納森·梅傑斯擔任演出,穿梭各年代戰爭、救災場景,並強調「盡你所能」(Be All You Can Be),另外也發布一支由美國陸軍官兵擔當主角的影片,片中強調美國的精神就是發現任何的可能性,並盡你可能的接受挑戰解決問題;這是美國立國的精神,也是其刻劃在基因內的民族性,無懼挑戰勇往直前,號召年輕人一同加入美國陸軍。